What is Five-Element acupuncture? How does it work?
W. Five-Element acupuncture is a style of acupuncture based on the cycles found in nature (五行). It is one of many styles of acupuncture, a living medicine developed within an energetic understanding of the body that originated from China. It was synthesized in the 1950s by J.R. Worsley. Its approach treats the root cause of imbalance to help with symptoms and individualizes treatment for each person’s recovery.
According to Chinese medicine, all life and its experiences are made of qi (氣). Loosely translated as “breaths” or “vital energy,” qi (氣) gives rise to health when it is free-flowing and balanced and illness when it is stuck or imbalanced. An acupuncturist treats the flow of qi (氣) in the body by stimulating acupuncture points, usually with needles thinner than a hair. Acupuncture treatments help the body retrain its underlying energetic patterns and strengthen its overall resilience.
Can Five-Element acupuncture treat _______?
Yes, it can help! Five-Element acupuncture treats the cause of imbalance to help with the resulting symptoms. That means it can address any symptom of disease or distress. By treating the root of why that symptom appeared in the first place, Five-Element acupuncture restores balance within the body, nurtures its inherent ability to heal, and discourages the return of symptoms in another form.
Anyone wishing to improve their health and wellbeing can benefit from Five-Element acupuncture, including children. Some examples of why people seek treatment include:
Physical, mental, or emotional ailments
Boosting immunity and recovery
Distress from relationships, work/school, or life circumstances
A sense of not feeling like yourself or of something not quite right within yourself
Preventative healthcare and personal development
What happens during a Five-Element acupuncture treatment?
The first appointment is a combined traditional diagnosis and acupuncture treatment that lasts 2 hours. The traditional diagnosis is an in-depth intake with you about your main complaints, as well as your medical and life history. For acupuncture treatment, each session is individualized and one-to-one for a full hour. I treat using acupuncture needles, essential oils, and moxibustion.
How many treatments will I need to feel better?
Because everyone is different, everyone responds to acupuncture differently. Some people feel effects right away. Others may need several treatments of building their energy back up before they notice a difference. Ideally, Five-Element acupuncture is best used as a preventative medicine with routine treatments when the seasons change acting as tune-ups. You will know within your first 3 treatments if acupuncture is right for you.
How much does treatment cost?
A new client appointment costs $360 for a 2 hour combined traditional diagnosis and acupuncture treatment. Follow-up appointments cost $205 for a 1 hour acupuncture treatment. If you are a new client, please call me to schedule.
I offer a discount for cash or check.
$360 for a New Client appointment (2 hr traditional diagnosis and treatment)
$205 for Follow-up appointments (1 hr treatment)
While I do not accept insurance, I can provide you with a superbill. If your health insurance provider covers acupuncture services, you can file for reimbursement using the superbill, which details your full payment of services at the time of your appointment.
What are you doing to make your practice more equitable, diverse, and inclusive?
Racism is a public health crisis. Systemic oppression disproportionately impacts the health of affected communities and constructs barriers to accessing quality healthcare.
I acknowledge I benefit from the legacies of first-generation Asian, Black, and Latinx acupuncturists who came before me and were barred from licensure. I am seeking sponsorships for treatments from organizations whose work provides direct services to BIPOC, LGBTQ+, immigrant, refugee, and/or artist folk. Please reach out if you know of any organizations interested in sponsoring treatments.
I acknowledge I am an uninvited guest on the homeland of the Lenape, Lenapehoking, and commit to donating this year to the Munsee Three Sisters Medicinal Farm.
I am continuing my education by engaging with the question of how to decolonize acupuncture. I seek knowledge to expand my understanding of the lived experiences of undeserved populations and to fulfill the promise of client-centered care.
Past donation recipients: Heart of Dinner, Asian/Pacific/American Institute at New York University, The Lenape Center